Speech Therapy
Umatter is excited to announce the launch of our Speech Department services! This service is led by our wonderful team of licensed experienced Speech Language Pathologists!
Individualized care
Speech Therapy at umatter includes detailed evaluation of speech, language and pragmatics in order to form goals that are individualised and worked on in a one-on-one setting. Therapy will focus on sensory integration dysfunction of the oral motor structures, feeding disorders, articulation disorders, repetitive and expressive language disorders and other dysfunctions based on the clients need. We provide speech therapy not only to children but to all ages.
Our Speech therapy department works closely with behaviour therapists to ensure maximum outcome of goals that have been set for your child’s need

How does consulation work?
Our experienced team of OTs will undergo and assessment/consultation of each child to evaluate their needs as well as a meeting with the parents/caregivers. An individualized therapy goal plan will be formulated by the OTs which will be discussed with the parents/caregivers.
Every child receiving OT at umatter will be working one on one under our trained team of OTs